Why would school system IT leaders turn to us?

– Our engineers have over 14 years’ experience working in the K-12 Education environment.

– We put our clients first. We always find a way to solve their challenges.

– We work for added value. We look for added value in everything we do. We are proactive and we are not afraid to change the status quo. Whatever it is, if we can make your life easier, consider it done.

– We have worked to design, produce, and implement the network, wireless, and data center infrastructures required for K-12.

– As we have worked in the K-12 environment, we understand the planning cycles and unique needs that our K-12 customers face.

– We are fully aware of the summer deployment windows and the customer service support levels required to meet the students’ learning needs.

– We can work with K-12 and USAC to steer schools through the E-Rate Application.